Thursday, January 6, 2011

We can't be friends...

There was a question posed (that are TREMENDOUSLY encouraged on this site) about Platonic friends. The exact question states: Why do women complain about not having platonic male friends and that every guy is tryna fuck them but a guy is actually tryna be a platonic friend they start to flirt or catch feelings?

As women, through our life experiences, we have this notion that most men want to enter inside of our vaginas, so we think every man is trying to pursure us. Therefore, when we have a male in our life who just wants to be our friend and that doesn't try to get into our pants... we, whether explicitly stated or not, think they are homosexual. If it proves, from their actions and advances towards other women that they aren't gay, our defenses are lowered and we will do anything for them...yet we are cautious. As this progresses, we start to wonder, from our inner insecurities, why isn't this person pursuing us? Are they not interested or attracted to us? So we begin to flirt and make advances towards them to remove our self-doubt.

In the book, Art of Seduction by Robert Greene (Art of Seduction,) there is a story that backs this claim. The story goes, there is this guy that has been after a particular woman. His history with women was lengthy and was a known seducer, however he was very unattractive. As a result of that, the woman isn't interested in him and he is frustrated by that. He starts a heavy pursuit by running into her by "accident" and tries to befriend the young lady...having conversations with her daily. He tries to become her "confidante" and it works. As the friendship blossoms, she opens up to him about her inner thoughts and desires. Due to the fact that she was so comfortable with him...she begins to feel secure in their friendship. This sense of security and lack of pursuit created a yearning within her. She wanted to be with the seducer...she was now in love with him...and long story short she ends up marrying him.

This story was told within the Art of Seduction to show that the most successful way of winning a woman over is showing a lack of interest in her vagina. As humans, we are very intrigued by behavior that isn't expected. We are also attracted to comfort, security and sad to say...the chase.
Now this is just in general. Of course there are exceptions to the rule and there are women, like myself, who can have completely platonic relationships with men. The reasoning behind this is because personally, I prefer it.  I only form platonic relationships with men that I know absolutely nothing will happen with. Men that I can practically sleep in the same bed and mutually there will be no desire to have sex. If I am sexually attracted to a male or see potential for that, I don't pursue a friendship. Just because if I can't have sex with you...I can't date you. With that said if I can't date you I place you in the family category A.K.A "you're my brother.."
And we don't practice incest 'round here.
Plain and simple.

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