Thursday, January 6, 2011

Daddy's Girl

… its funny that the name of the first post in Genesis… it kind of comes natural to use biblical references when it comes to relationships. Well, the beginning for a little girl is our relationship with our father. Growing up, your father is your provider, protector, and your epitome of a male.

So what if you do not have a healthy relationship with your father?

Or your parents do not have a healthy relationship with each other?

Well, from experience with the former, not the latter… you look for that person who is most like your father, and in some ways continue this unhealthy cycle…. But as many of you

will say “Who is to say what is healthy and what isn’t? Who are we to impose on others relationships and say it’s unhealthy because they do not communicate in a way society wants deems is normal?” May be others will say, “Oh that’s why I’m always attracted to a type of male? My father has that quality in him…. “

Well YES you are absolutely right…

Before my current relationship, I was the girl that was attracted to the handsome smooth “bad guy” who loved to party, drink, and most of all…. Other GIRLS ….YES that was my dad (when he was younger)…. It wasn’t until I analyzed this aspect and started to view my father in another light that I kind of broke this cycle. My dad is a hard worker, and although he has children outside of his marriage to my mother, he has always provided for them, and made sure we all knew each other. This new idea, lead me to my “new” relationship, where I am with a man that is hard working and tries his best to provide for everyone around him. Some of you who know him may say: he does like to party and flirts with other females… Well, I know he is LOYAL, not only because he loves me (yes my dad loves me too) but also because he loves god (something my father has never shown he cares about)…

Am I saying that my current and I have a perfect relationship? NO but we are trying….

So for all those females out there that are unhappy with your relationship, and you “always” fall for a type of male, look to the better qualities in the first male in your life, and that’s what you will start to look for in a man….

Am I saying that’s the answer to relationship woes? NO but it’s a start… if you change your outlook on your father, you are changing yourself.

Other quirks…

How does one put a stop to this? I don’t know… That is something I am still working on…

I'm a Daddy's Girl!!!! Arent we all???

- alVjoe

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