Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Once upon a time, not so long ago, there were six princesses. These young women were created and formed into characters that young girls would want to fashion themselves after. Going as far as Buying their dolls, imitation life-size dresses, plastic costume jewelry and reenact scenes from the movies that were on repeat in their VHS (and now DVD/BluRay) players. It all seemed so innocent until prince charming gets introduced. The seemingly not so perfect man but extremely physically appealing and strong young gentleman that always seems to save the day. He always starts off as a monster (Beauty and the Beast) or poor (Aladdin) and as the movie progresses you begin to think he's just misunderstood. Furthermore, when he meets the princess he starts to soften or realize the error in his ways and the love between them is strong enough to turn him into prince charming. Then...they live happily ever after.

How realistic is this?
In my opinion, not even close...
But unknowingly this is the basis of all the romantic relationships that we form throughout our lives.
They say, that the first loving relationship we have is with our fathers...which to some extent is true...
But the first ROMANTIC relationship we have is with The Beast, Aladdin, Prince Eric, etc...
How can our next boyfriend live up to that?
They never do.
So either we get hip to the fact that these Disney characters don't exist and we have to find love in real guys with real flaws that are perfect for us.
Or we live the rest of our lives looking for  "Prince charming"...or worst of all...taking a frog and try to love him hard enough so he becomes our prince.
In real life when you kiss a frog...he remains a frog...and you end up with warts.
This frustrating process only becomes a cycle that only can be broken/cured by a dose of reality.
And this blog is it.
And if this isn't enough and you need dessert... you can hit up (The male perspective)

Bon Appetit.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with 90% of what you say here. Where I deviate is at prince charming. You're post actually got me to think about prince charming, or the disney versions rather. For the most part these are extremely realistic men. Getting past looks and focusing on their personalities and actions, they're pretty textbook. All of them are liars, they're either poor or flashy or an asshole, they run the gamut. The Disney prince charming, in my opinion,does set young women up but in a different way. It gets them to think that these "ain't shit" guys are capable of changing and that you are the only one who can achieve this goal. So not only do ya'll think ya'll are princesses but ya'll look for shitty dudes to change into you're prince. Good shit
